'My Love, Don't Cross That River' tops box office for consecutive 6 days

The independent movie, My Love, Don't Cross That River has been ranked number one at box office for 6 days in a row.


According to the records by Korean Film Council on the 17th, the movie was played on 696 screens and 3015 times in total on that day. The daily viewers reached 163,473 and the accumulated number of the viewers is 1,356,550.

The movie was released on the 27th of last month. It is a story depicts romance of an old couple for the last 76 years between 89 year old wife, Kang Kye-yeol and 98 year old husband, Cho Byeong-man. Their rustic yet beautiful story about love and separation is staying at the top of box office leaving a large gap between the movie and a Hollywood blockbuster.