Documentary Movie Portrays Plight of Comfort Woman

It was a time when Japan ravaged the fields of Asia. "My Heart Is Not Broken Yet" records the testimony of a former comfort woman who had been forced to accompany the marching drums during that era. Song Sin-do stands witness to this tragic history and leaves waves of emotion rolling through our hearts.

[Interview] "A ten-year crusade in court against the Japanese government".

[Interview] "I tell you, the comfort women issue must be resolved!"

Song Sin-do was born in 1922, when Korea was under Japanese occupation. At the young age of 16, she was drafted to be a comfort woman and forced to provide sexual services to the Japanese military. Her legs still reveal the scars inflicted by Japanese swords.
And deeper scars remain in her memories, festering to this day.

[Interview] "After so many years, I'm telling this to you all because the grief won't leave my heart".

[Interview] "We have to resolve this comfort women issue!"

[Interview] "That's why I say never go to war again. Everyone was a victim of the war, don't you agree

[Interview] "Let us rally by the side of our mother Song Sin-do!"

[Interview : Ahn Hae-ryong, Director My Heart Is Not Broken Yet ] "It was like meeting one of those cursing grannies you see in the countryside. But they always hide great love for their children. It was like facing my grandmother".

Song Sin-do's cry for justice rang all the louder for the five decades of silence preceeding it. But her voice was not alone. A group of Japanese supporters gathered around this old lady who had lost faith in people many years ago. The Japanese, who were both victims and offenders in the war, gave her their ear and lent her their voice in her fight. The film is not just a story about Song Sin-do's life. It's a story about the special relationship between her and her supporters.

[Interview : Movie audience] "Many Japanese have made efforts, for over a decade, working to help Song Sin-do and bring light to the truth. I felt ashamed to have been oblivious to that fact, and also felt sorry to her. I cried a lot".

The decade-long battle leaves the supporters at a loss, ending in an incomprehensible court decision to dismiss the case. Yet Song Sin-do firmly stands, defiant of the ruling.

[Interview] "My case may have been broken in court. But My Heart Is Not Broken Yet".

Having scolded Japan so gallantly, Song Sin-do wavers and falls into tears. Her appeal declaring that her heart is not yet broken is a waking call to the world. And Song Sin-do's fight continues.

Video by following the link below
