[HanCinema's Digest] Photography

The Seoul State of Mind team visit Jeonju, what is around Achasan station?, and Robert Koehler delights with another stunning pic of modern Korea in black and white.



Jeonju is a quiet university town of sorts that also hosts the popular Jeonju International Film Festival. The areas is becoming increasingly popular between seasons, too, as more and more tourists and locals are discovering this warm and welcoming town. I loved walking around Jeonju and snapping up pictures, and I'd recommend you do the same if your planning a road trip down south anytime soon.

…SEE ON SEOUL STATE OF MIND: http://seoulstateofmind.com/2015/08/25/jeonju/

"Achasan Station (아차산역) Line 5 – Station #545"

The Seoul Sub→Urban jump out at Achasan Station to visit the massive bulge that is Macha Mountain. I really enjoy these subway posts as they plant the seed of adventure and curiosity, answering that persistent question we all ask ourselves: "What if I go off here, what would I find?"

…SEE ON SEOUL SUB→URBAN: http://seoulsuburban.com/2015/08/16/achasan-station-%EC%95%84%EC%B0%A8%EC%82%B0%EC%97%AD-line-5-station-545/

"As good a place as any to check your phone. Mt. Achasan, Seoul"

Writer/photographer Robert Koehler snaps up a stunning modern moment around Mt. Achasan in Seoul.

… SEE ON ROBERT KOEHLER TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY: http://rjkoehler.tumblr.com/post/127913626088/as-good-a-place-as-any-to-check-your-phone-mt