Korean creation animation 'Wonderful Days' to release throughout Japan

Starting from Tokyo on April 23, Korean creation animation 'Wonderful Days' is released throughout Japan.
Gainax, which assumed import and distribution, entered into full-scale marketing activity by constructing homepage ( http://www.wonderfuldays.jp ) in the interests of this time 'Wonderful Days' release in Japan.

Ahead of this, 'Wonderful Days' has held its preview events on Nov. last year in concert with the Tokyo International Film Festival and on late Feb. this year with the support of KOCCA Tokyo office respectively.

An official of Gainax expressed active interest in animation industry exchange with Korea, saying that the company would like to expand exchanges of Korean animation industry more".

Gainax is to proceed special lectures of animation-related school as well as special screening event on the forthcoming May by inviting animation filmmaker Mr. Moon-saeng Kim.

In the future, after the human civilization ended by war and pollution, this 'Wonderful Days' animation is depicting that only those few people who had the power and technology escaped the disaster.

Those people built the last human city of Ecoban. As its energy source is the pollutant, the people of Ecoban plan to destroy the inhabitants of Marr to get more pollutant.

Standing against Ecoban is a young man who wants only to clear the skies of the clouds to show the wonderful heavens to the girl he loves....

The Source : Koreacontent New Team

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