The Ugly Duckling

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The Ugly Duckling

Korean Movie | 2012

미운 오리 새끼 | Mi-woon O-ri Sae-ggi


Directed byKim Seong-sik (김성식)Kwak Kyung-taek (곽경택)Yoo Jae-yeong (유재영)

Written by

95min | Release date in South Korea:

A military story even soldiers don't know about?
The growth story of clumsy Yook-bang in the year 1987!
With a father who lost his mind from torture and a mother who left for America...
23-year-old Nak-man joins the military as security who is allowed to leave at 6PM sharp, or also known as son of God, Yook-bang.
He joins the military as a hairdresser but what he really does is take pictures, play chess, clean the toilets, stand guard in guardhouses for military police and other chores.
Nak-man wants to finish up this tiring life of being ignored all the time and follow his mother to the States...
He then meets a bunch of weird prisoners.
With a squad leader who thinks of him as a nuisance...
Senior soldiers who order him around to do anything...
All these threaten Nak-man's military life.
Will the 'ugly duckling' Nak-man be able to finish his military service?
"Time go, wind blow, world, wait for me!"



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