The Lee Ji-eun virus: Spacing out and lady-like chewing

She's small but strong. Lee Ji-eun has caused great impact on the public recently and not as the singer who performs on a fancy stage, but as The Girl Next Door. What is now known as the "Lee Ji-eun virus" has now spread.


The virus began on the JTBC show "Hyo-ri's Guest House". Everything Lee Ji-eun does on this show is being followed, which has led to the name of "Lee Ji-eun virus".

Lee Ji-eun enjoys wearing over-sized clothes on "Hyo-ri's Guest House", spacing out without doing anything, and reading books. She stuffs her mouth full of food when she's eating and chews slowly with her mouth closed, always being the last one at the table. She loves to snack on things so she pops a chocolate or two in her mouth while she's doing chores like washing the dishes or cleaning the house. When she runs out of chocolates, she asks one of the guests at the house who is going shopping with Lee Hyo-ri to get her more.

This kind of character has never been seen before on stage and fans love it. They follow everything she does and claim they've been infected with the Lee Ji-eun virus.

The purple sweatshirt and pants as well as big-sized T-shirts Lee Ji-eun wears on "Hyo-ri's Guest House" are selling out. Fans are copying the way she eats with her mouth closed and even spaces out like her. Some fans claims they've found themselves wearing a pair of sweat suits, cleaning the house, reading and chewing with their mouth closed. Let's not forget snacking on chocolates.

Lee Ji-eun's calm voice and careful actions have earned her the nickname "healing queen".

This unexpected popularity has positively influenced her expansion of fans. Her music went back up the charts thanks to this and better results are expected for her upcoming remake album "Two Flowers". Lee Ji-eun's first remake album that was released in 2014 was favored by many for its uniqueness and lyricism.