'Rat painter' fined W2 million

Charged with painting rats on G20 Seoul Summit promotion posters a university lecturer was handed a 2 million-won fine by the court, Friday.

The lecturer, surnamed Park, was indicted for damaging public property by spray painting the picture of a rat on 22 posters near the Lotte Department Store in central Seoul, and uploading pictures of the posters onto the Internet.

Liberals and many netizens have often used the image of a rat to mock President Lee Myung-bak, and prosecutors argued the accused was trying to tarnish the nation's image while hosting the G20 event.

"The freedom of expression is a basic right protected by the Constitution, but drawing rats on public posters is beyond that, which cannot be justified", a judge said in the ruling.

The court ruled a monetary penalty was given to Park instead of imprisonment as he seemed to have no intention to disturb the event and his action can be seen as a satirical expression.

A 29-year-old woman who assisted Park with the drawings also received a one-million-won fine on the same charge.

In response, Park expressed dissatisfaction with the ruling and said he will appeal.

Before the ruling, movie directors including Lee Chang-dong filed a petition, asking the courts for a favorable verdict.

They argued his actions should be recognized as freedom of expression in society and punishment would pose a serious threat to artistic creativity, democracy and freedom of expression.

`G20 포스터 쥐그림' 강사 벌금 200만원 선고

지난해 주요 20개국(G20) 정상회의를 앞두고 홍보 포스터에 낙서한 혐의(공용물건 손상)로 기소된 박모(41.대학강사)씨에게 13일 벌금 200만원을 선고했다.

박씨는 서울 롯데백화점 인근 22개 포스터에 쥐 도안을 대고 검은색 분무액을 뿌리고 포스터 사진들을 인터넷에 올려 공용물건 손상 혐의로 불구속 기소됐다.

진보진영과 많은 네티즌들은 이명박 대통령을 거짓 흉내내기 위해 쥐 영상을 이용한 반면 검찰은 박씨를 G20 정상회의 중에 국가 이미지를 훼손했다는 혐의로 기소했다.

재판부는 "표현의 자유는 헌법상 기본권이지만 공공물인 G20 포스터에 낙서한 것은 표현의 자유 범위를 넘어 정당화될 수 없다"고 밝혔다.

재판부는 다만 행사를 방해할 목적이 아니라 자신의 의사를 표현하려는 의도로 보이고 보는 사람에 따라 해학적 표현으로 해석될 수 있는 점, G20 행사에 별다른 피해를 주지 않는 점 등을 고려해 실형이 아닌 벌금형을 택했다.
