Art and Culture

 It's Friday and for our regular arts and culture segment today, Michelle Kim will share a couple of previews of movies for us to enjoy during the snowy weekend.


Hello Michelle

[Reporter : ] Hello Conn-young

So what movies will you be previewing for us today[Reporter : ] It's snowing a lot here in Korea and I know that staying at home may seem like a good idea, but there are a couple of new movies in theaters this weekend so why not cozy up in the theater instead
The sci-fi action film "Dredd" portrays a future America that's turned into a irradiated waste land.
The east coast, from Boston to Washington, D.C., has become a place called Mega City One, a large and violent metropolis where criminals dominate the streets.
The only force that brings order and discipline to the city are urban cops called "Judges", who have powers that are equivalent to those of a judge, jury and instant executioner combined.
Dredd, played by Karl Urban, is the ultimate judge who is feared throughout the city.
One day, Dredd is challenged with saving the city from a dangerous drug epidemic that has users of the reality-altering drug "Slo-Mo" experiencing reality at a fraction of its normal speed.
The film is based on the popular comic strip from 2000.
The Korean film "Tone-Deaf Clinic" tells the story of a young woman named Dong-joo and her quest to sing for a man she's had a crush on for a long time.
But there is one thing stopping her: Dong-joo is tone-deaf, just like her mother.
To fix the problem, she checks herself into a singing clinic for tone-deaf people like herself.
There she meets a teacher named Shin-hong who guarantees that, with his help she will be able to sing one song perfectly.
The film is hilarious in its depiction of the escapades of Dong-joo and Shin-hong as they work together to help Dong-joo develop a voice that's pitch perfect.
Both films are in theaters this weekend.

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