[HanCinema's Digest] Culture Corner

Take a look at two books released this year that explore the lives of those individuals affected by North Korea's oppressive regime, 10 Magazine presents five frustrating and fascinating adverts around Korea on plastic surgery, and does Korea's next generation have the grit and work ethic that was required of their forebears? 


"[Book Review] North Korea Confidential – Reality and the narratives we choose to tell ourselves"

Beyond Hallyu reviews Daniel Tudor and James Pearson's 2015 book, "North Korea Confidential": a fascinating look at what daily life is really like for the average man and woman on the street. "If you choose to read this book to confirm the narratives you've been fed, you won't be disappointed. However, you might be surprised to learn that Kim Jong Un is not actually the one in charge and that smoking is a popular pastime in the country".


"Korean Plastic Surgery Ads: Entertaining or Infuriating?"

It's common knowledge that South Korea is one of the best country's to visit if you are planning, or interested in, plastic surgery. But you don't reach that level of acceptance within society without a necessary: advertising. 10 Magazine presents five adverts from around Korea that are "entertaining and infuriating in equal measure". Enjoy.  


"What It's Like to Escape From North Korea"

This week I seem to have an eye on books about North Korea. In addition to North Korea Confidential", readers and those interested in life over the DMZ would do well to pick up Yeonmi Park's recent book that documents her struggle "to survive the darkest most repressive country on earth". In this article, TIME magazine features this strong survivor as she discusses her escape from North Korea.


"Korea's 'Give Up' Generation"

South Korea didn't get to be the powerhouse, techno-driven society that it is today without a cultural zeitgeist that inspired generations to put in the required sweat and toil. Grit is indeed a telling marker of future, long-term success. But is the younger generation continuing with this mentality, or is there a new attitude emerging, one different from the steadfast determination that came before?