[HanCinema's Digest] Food Lover's Lane

Tofu Kimchi Jeon, Crispy and crunchy fried chicken, Sausage Pea Lemon Rice: three delicious (and interesting) recipes to experiment with, and Seoul Eats shows us were to go in Seoul to find the best Jajangmyeon.

"Tofu Kimchi Jeon"

Aeri Lee shares instructions on how to deliciously combine two matching ingredients, tofu and Kimchi: "Spicy kimchi and the nutty flavor of tofu, along with other vegetable ingredients, makes for a very tasty jeon"

…WATCH ON AERI'S KITCHEN: http://aeriskitchen.com/2015/03/tofu-kimchi-jeon/

"Crispy and crunchy fried chicken"

Now this is a Korean dish I could really tuck into!

…READ ON MAANGCHI: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/easy-dakgangjeong


"5 of the Best Jajangmyeon 짜장면 in the City of Seoul, Korea"

Looking for the best Jajangmyeon in town? Well, look no further because Seoul Eats has you covered with its top five places to find this popular Korean dish!

…READ ON SEOUL EATS: http://www.seouleats.com/2015/04/5-of-best-jajangmyeon-in-city-of-seoul.html


"Sausage Pea Lemon Rice"

What a strange-sounding dish, but the results look might appetising. Here Holly shares an interesting recipe as a delicious solution to the problem of what to do will all that leftover rice in the fridge!

…READ ON BEYOND KIMCHI: http://www.beyondkimchee.com/sausage-pea-lemon-rice/