[HanCinema's Digest] Travel Bug Bites

ESL 101 shares its tips for how to make life in Korea (more) awesome, explore Jeju's stunning waterfalls and valleys, are 'love hotels' cleaning up their act?, and what to do during your first 24 hours in Korea.

"5 Ways To Make Your Life in South Korea Awesome"

Jackie Bolen hits us with his 5 tips for making your new life in South Korea, well, more awesome! He discusses things like building a social network, finding belonging, working on personal goals besides teaching, being thankful, and reminding newbie to also just relax and enjoy!

…READ ON ESL 101: https://www.esl101.com/blogs/5-ways-make-your-life-south-korea-awesome#.Vdbj0c7VvAa

"Cooling off in Jeju's valleys and waterfalls"

If you still haven't made a trip to Jeju then these beautiful sites should definitely be on your list of to-dos. Jeju Weekly shows off some of its magical valley and waterfalls you can visit and enjoy while touring South Korea's favourite island. Stunning.

…READ ON JEJU WEEKLY: http://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=4870&utm_content=bufferb0024&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

"South Korean 'love hotels' clean up act to woo youthful clients"

South Korea's "love hotels' are pretty infamous, but are they starting to clean up their act? The quality of these places can vary greatly, and so often it's a bit of a gamble in terms of what your room actually looks like: "Quality is also becoming a more important criterion as the tech-savvy clientele of short-stay hotels increasingly engage in comparison shopping. As apps gain popularity and celebrities appear in ads, love hotels have become more mainstream".

 …READ/WATCH ON REUTERS: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/12/us-southkorea-love-hotels-idUSKCN0QH06E20150812

"Travelling To Korea - What Not To Do In Your First 24 Hours"

On arriving you will no doubt feel a little overwhelm with all the sights, smells, tastes and treasures to be found all around, but what should you do first? ESL 101 has some tips for new teachers coming to Korea to teach and how to get orientated in your new space.

…READ ON ESL 101: https://www.esl101.com/blogs/travelling-korea-what-not-do-your-first-24-hours#.Vdbj0c7VvAZ