How to Stay Healthy Over Lunar New Year

Long holidays like the Lunar New Year offer rare opportunities for busy families to gather, but all that will be wasted if you do not care of yourself and get sick. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy over the break.


First of all, driving the long distance to ancestral hometowns can take its toll on the drivers' body. Taking a break every hour may be too much to ask, but try to take at least a 10-minute break every two hours. Get some fresh air and do light stretching exercises.

It is also easy to eat and drink to excess when there is so much party food around the family table, which can result in acute indigestion and stomachache. Holiday food is delicious but often very high in calories and fat. There is also weight gain to worry about, so snack lightly and take breaks.

Catching up with families and relatives can also extend your bedtime way beyond midnight. Several days of staying up late can have serious repercussions, and fatigue often follows as you return to your normal routine, so try not to stay up too late.

Some people prefer to stay indoors because of the cold weather. But lack of physical activities exacerbates the effects of filling food and can also hurt the joints and respiratory system.

Even if it is cold outside, try to go for a brisk stroll from time to time and enjoy outdoors activities with your families.

In order to make the transition from holiday mode back to normal as smooth as possible, return home early and take a rest, rather than coming back with just hours to spare before work. Spend the last day of your holiday at home and get back into your daily routine.