[Interview #1] Song Il-kook's 3 colors, "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" was perfect for me

Song Il-kook is an actor. He used to like drawing as a teenager so he wanted to go to art school but things didn't work out and he ended up in Theater and Film to do stage art. Everyone knows the story of him following his mother and actress Kim Eul-dong to work and becoming an actor on Yoo Dong-geun's suggestion. He debuted in 1998 and rose to stardom with the historical drama "Jumong".


"I want to act until I'm in my grave"

The lead actor of "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama" was in a café in Seoul on the 30th. He said, "I promised myself not to be in a historical drama after "Jumong" but I was in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". It was a good drama as we ended in the 10s".

Song Il-kook played Jang Yeong-sil in "Jang Yeong-sil - Drama". He was born in a low class but was skilled with his hands and was spotted by King Sejong.

"I asked the director why he cast me once. I didn't think I fit in this drama. He told me he thought a lot with the writer. I am a curious person who is curious enough to have 3 boxes of tools to make anything I want. When I told my family the role I was going to be in, my sister said it was just right for me".

"I learned that historical dramas are tiresome even without the swords. It took a lot of thought to make this drama and I felt bad every time I caused an NG. The drama turned out well because of everyone's hard work. I could've done better and I feel bad for that".

What's next? Song Il-kook said, "I have to continue acting. I moved to C-Jes recently and I promise to be back soon. As an actor, I am going to act until I can't".