Journey to the Snow Country in Search of Frost Flowers on Mt. Jiri

Mt. Jiri, rising 1,915 meters above sea level and straddling tree provinces, is the tallest and the widest mountain in South Korea. The shortest route from the bottom of the mountain to many of its long, lofty ridges requires at least three to four hours. The course starting from Baekmudong (White Warrior's Valley) and leading to Jangteomok (Marketplace Corner) and Cheonwnagbong (Heavenly King Peak) is the most renowned for its fascinating winter scenery.

The best time of the day to start the course is before dawn breaks. Under the dark blue winter sky, the craggy trail gradually unveils a mysterious world of old pines and dead trees blooming with gorgeous frost flowers. As one continues to climb up in wonder the sun rises at last, casting its brilliant rays. It is the moment Mt. Jiri begin to unmask its indescribable beauty and the hearts of trekkers throb with vibrant joy. The sunrise unveils the irresistible charm of the famous mountain that simply defies words.

The Mount Jiri National Park is the oldest and the largest of Korea's 20 national parks. It covers an area of 471,758 square kilometers, comprising one city, four counties and 15 towns and townships of three provinces-South Gyeongsang, and North and South Jeolla. Towering over the vast terrain of endless ridges and valleys are the three main peaks-Cheonwangbong(1,915 meters), Banyabong (prajna Peak, 1,732 meters) and Nogodan (Terrace of Peach Goddess, 1,507 meters). These peaks soar above some 20 majestic ridge lines and large valleys.

Mt. Jiri is one of the most popular tourist destinations among Koreans through the four seasons. Visitors flocking to the valleys seek a cool respite from the summer heat enjoy the splendid foliage in autumn and admire the pure white frost flowers in winter Frost flowers, also called ice flowers and nunkkot in Korean, meaning "Snow Flower", are not snowflakes perching on trees. In late autumn to early inter, the fog rising form the ground in the early morning freezes and sticks on trees, forming exquisite "petals". Hence, on an early morning on a high mountain is when and where the most beautiful forest flowers can be found.

*NOTE: This blog post is from Cultural Heritage Administraion of Korea's Webzine 'KOREAN HERITAGE (Winter 2010)'. If you have any further information about this blog post please contact us.( We will be happy to help you to get the related information. Thank you.


About the authorby The Cultural Heritage Administration

The Cultural Heritage Administration strives to conserve our precious cultural heritage in its original condition to bequeath to future generations, while promoting it as a catalyst for national development.