Kim Hye-ja Named Best Actress at Asia-Pacific Fest

By Han Sang-hee
Staff Reporter

Veteran actress Kim Hye-ja won the Best Performance by an Actress award at an Asia-Pacific film festival, Thursday, for her intense acting in the hit film "Mother - 2009".

The 68-year-old actress received the award at the 3rd annual Asia Pacific Screen Awards in Queensland, Australia. The film, directed by Bong Joon-ho, features an obsessed mother who becomes involved in a murder case, desperately striving to save her son from being imprisoned.

The hit crime thriller was the actress' screen debut, and she received critical acclaim for her performance, which led to her win the Best Actress award at the China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival early last month.

Meanwhile, director Yang Ik-june won the High Commendation Award for his film "Breathless", while "A Brand New Life", produced by filmmaker Lee Chang-dong, won the Best Children's Feature Film award.

The Asia Pacific Screen Awards is an international cultural initiative of Queensland to honor and promote films, actors, directors and cultures to a global audience. This year, a total of 37 films from 16 countries competed for the awards. The Australian film "Samson and Delilah" won for Best Feature Film.

김혜자 아태영화제 여우주연상

중견배우 김혜자 (68)가 26일 호주 퀸스랜드에서 열린 제3회 아시아태평양영화제에서 `마더'에서의 열연으로 여우주연상을 수상했다.

봉준호 감독의 `마더'는 살인사건과 관련해 구속될 위기에 처한 아들을 구하기 위한 어머니의 필사적인 모습을 그린 영화다.

김혜자는 영화 데뷔작인 이 작품으로 이달 초 중국 금계백화영화제에서도 여우주연상을 수상했었다.

한편 `똥파리'의 양익준 감독은 `장려상'을 받았고, 이창동 감독이 제작한 `여행자'는 최우수어린이영화상을 받았다.

올 아시아태평양영화제에는 16개국 37편의 작품이 출품됐는데, 호주영화 `삼손과 데릴라'가 최우수작품상을 수상했다.
