Kim Jang-hoon and Psy donate World Cup earnings

By Ines Min
Staff reporter

Korean singers Kim Jang-hoon and PSY will donate their total earnings from their appearances at World Cup cheering events to charity, the duo announced Monday.

A public relations official said that the two had been planning to give the proceeds from their performances throughout the Taeguk Warrior's progression in the month-long competition. The concerts help promote the spirit of the Red Devils, the official name for the Korean team's fans.

The earnings will be donated to the Hong Myung-bo Foundation _ established by its namesake footballer who was once considered one of the best in Asia _ a scholarship organization for youths. The official added that the two received a warm reception by fans for their support and performances.

Kim and PSY were among the first entertainers who catalyzed the World Cup fervor among the public spectrum, with K-pop bands such as Big Bang following suit. The singers made four appearances from the start of the games to the round of 16, where the national team was eliminated in a match against Uruguay Saturday.

Kim is a familiar face among the philanthropic, having previously given to such causes as the Dokdo controversy and increasing the globalization of Korea's brand by opening a restaurant for bibimbap.

김장훈과 싸이, 월드컵 응원 출연료 전액 기부

지난 월요일 국내 인기 가수 김장훈과 싸이가 2010 남아공 월드컵 응원 출연료 전액을 자선단체에 기부하는 것으로 알려져 화제다.

대변인에 따르면 이 둘은 한 달 동안 월드컵 리그 도안, 태극 전사들과 함께할 지속적인 공연을 준비한 것으로 알려졌다. 이 공연은 대한민국 공신 응원팀인 붉은 악마 정신을 고취하기 위해 열렸다.

이들의 출연료 전액은 홍명보 장학재단에 기부될 예정이다. 한 때 아시아 최고의 축구선수로 이름을 떨쳤던 축구선수 홍명보의 이름을 딴 이 청소년 장학재단 대변인은 이 둘의 지원과 공연에 팬들이 온정의 반응을 보인다고 전했다.
Singers Kim Jang-hoon, right, and PSY supported the Red Devils and the national football team during the World Cup cheering events. The musical duo announced Monday that the proceeds from their four performances will be donated to the Hong Myung-bo Foundation. / Korea Times
