Bora Bora

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Bora Bora

Korean Movie | 2020

보라보라 | bo-ra-bo-ra


Directed byKim Do-joon (김도준)Kim Mi-young (김미영)Kim Seung-hwa-I (김승화)

150min | Release date in South Korea:

The documentary depicts the struggles of Toll Station workers who had heated up the highways across the country last year. Their persistent struggles are not just to make casual workers permanent. They are not only for these workers, but also for the better lives of women, people with disabilities, and North Korean defectors. The film seems more interested in showing the internal situation than the cause or appearance of these struggles. In addition to director Kim Do-joon, two working-class directors, Kim Mi-young and Kim Seung-hwa-I, held the camera together, and they were able to capture the real image of people behind the fierce struggle. "Bora Bora" is the name of a trade unionist dance band that has contributed to encourage their struggle. [MOON Seok]



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