Lee Byung-hun Saga Continues

Kang Byung-kyu to File Complaint Against Chief "IRIS" Producer

Actor Lee Byung-hun's saga is seeing a new chapter added after Kang Byung-kyu, a baseball player turned-TV personality, alleged Monday that he was attacked by thugs hired by the president of the production company of the KBS hit TV series "IRIS". The attack was related to the scandal involving Lee and a former girlfriend.

Kang, who turned himself in to a police precinct in Mapo, Seoul, told reporters that he will file a complaint against the agency chief for assault. Kang was summoned for questioning over allegations that he hired gangsters to beat staff members of the agency that produced "IRIS".

It has been rumored that Kang introduced Kwon, the ex-girlfriend, to Lee and pressured her to file a damage suit against the star of the series and the Hollywood movie "GI Joe".

Kang strongly denied the allegations. Emerging from the police station, he told reporters that: "I know Kwon following an introduction from one of my acquaintances. I am not directly connected with the scandal".

Kang said he heard a rumor that he had cajoled Kwon into filing a suit against Lee and since then he has received a number of threatening calls from "people from Taewon Entertainment", which produces the show.

Kang said he visited the shooting location of "IRIS" on Dec. 14 to resolve the misunderstanding with the president of the agency, identified only as Chung.

"I had an argument with Chung and I was beaten for 20 to 30 minutes by his aides and gangsters with baseball bats and steel chairs", Kwon said, adding that he sustained injuries that needed three weeks to heal.

Kang said he will file a complaint against Chung for the assault later this week.

He also denied rumors that he hired gangsters to get his revenge and wielded violence against those who attacked him.

Police started to investigate the case on Dec. 17 after speculation surfaced that both Kang and Taewon Entertainment hired gangsters amid a standoff over the rumors that Kang has been behind the scandal surrounding Kwon, a former Canadian gymnast.

Kwon has filed a suit against Lee, claiming that he lured her into having sex under the pretense of a marriage. Lee has also filed a complaint against Kwon for defamation.

In February, Kang received a suspended jail term for habitually gambling through online gambling sites.
TV personality Kang Byung-kyu says he will file a complaint against president of Taewon Entertainment, the producer of KBS TV's hit drama "IRIS", for alleged assault.
/ Courtesy of Newsis

강병규 `아이리스' 제작사 대표 고소

드라마 '아이리스' 촬영현장 충돌 사건에 연루된 방송인 강병규씨는 21일 이 드라마의 제작사 정모 대표를 폭행과 협박 혐의로 고소한다고 밝혔다.

강씨는 이날 낮 12시35분께 서울 마포구 광역수사대에 조사를 받으러 왔다가 현장에서 기자회견을 열어 "(내가) 조직폭력배를 불렀다는 얘기는 사실이 아니며 정 대표 측에게 일방적으로 폭행을 당했다"며 "곧 경찰에 고소장을 낼 예정"이라고 말했다.

강씨는 애초 지난 14일 새벽 1시께 서울 송파구 아이리스 촬영현장에 폭력배를 불러 제작진을 폭행하는 등 소동을 부린 것으로 알려져 있었다.

그는 이와 관련해 정 대표가 아이리스 주연배우 이병헌씨를 고소한 옛 애인 권모씨 배후에 자신이 있다는 거짓 소문을 내 이에 항의했지만, 정씨한테서 전화로 폭행ㆍ살인 협박만 당했다고 주장했다.

이어 14일 촬영 현장에서 정씨를 만나 화해하려 했으나 정씨가 현장의 폭력배 10여 명과 함께 자신을 20∼30분 폭행해 상해를 입었으며, 자신은 조폭을 부르지 않았는데 가해자로 몰리고 있다며 억울함을 호소했다.

강씨는 21일 오전 전화를 걸어 경찰 조사에 응한다고 밝히고 이날 낮 12시35분께 출석했으나 현장에 기자들이 있어 심적인 압박감이 심하다며 진술을 미뤘다.

이번 사건은 애초 강씨와 제작진이 서로 화해했다'고 출동한 경찰에 밝혀 종결 처리됐으나, 양측이 조폭을 불렀다는 의혹이 증폭됨에 따라 경찰이 17일 수사에 착수했다.

경찰 관계자는 "지금까지 폭력조직이 연루된 증거는 나오지 않았다"며 "양측이 모두 피해자라고 주장하는 만큼 신중하게 조사할 것"이라고 말했다.
