Lee Jin-hyuk Confirms "Frankly Speaking"

Lee Jin-hyuk joined "Frankly Speaking".

JTBC's new Wednesday-Thursday drama "Frankly Speaking" is a childish and unpleasant life-changing drama that announcer Song Gi-baek (Go Kyung-pyo), who has become an uncontrollable tongue-in-cheek Hulk, meets passionate entertainment writer On Woo-joo (Kang Han-na).

In the drama, Lee Jin-hyuk plays Song Poong-baek, the youngest of the three 'Ki-woon-Poong' brothers. Song Poong-baek is often ignored at home because he has no interest in studying.

Lee Jin-hyuk, who started acting in earnest in 2020, appeared in various works such as "Find Me in Your Memory", "Hanging on!", "Check Out the Event" and "Why Her?".

Meanwhile, "Frankly Speaking" will premiere on Wednesday, May 1st at 8:50 PM.

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