MBC in fresh dispute with unionists

Kwon Jae-hong, MBC TV main anchor

Striking journalists call on main anchor Kwon to resign


By Kim Rahn

The labor union and management at broadcaster MBC, at odds over a long running strike, are in a fresh dispute over an "injury" to the station's main anchor Kwon Jae-hong.

The company claimed Thursday that Kwon was injured in a scuffle with striking reporters Wednesday night. The union dismissed the claim as groundless, calling on Kwon and resign to take responsibility for the incident.

The row about the incident comes amid an escalating conflict between the two sides. The union has been on strike for more than three months since January, calling for MBC President Kim Jae-chul to resign over what it claims is biased reporting.

In the flagship 9 o'clock evening news Thursday, another anchor Jeong Yeon-guk appeared instead of Kwon. In an opening comment, he said Kwon could not host the news program after a clash with unionized reporters.

Anchorwoman Bae Hyeon-jin said, "When exiting the company building to go home at around 10:20 p.m. last night, Kwon was surrounded by dozens of striking union members".

She continued, "He sustained bruises to his back and other parts of his body. His car couldn't move for about 20 minutes, as it was surrounded by the unionists".

The company said Jeong will host the news program for a while.

But the union refuted the claim.

"Kwon was guarded by 40 police officers at the time and got into his car without any physical contact with union members", it said.

The union disclosed a video clip showing the whole incident in a media briefing Friday. "We videotaped the scene of Kwon going home when we demanded to talk with him, because we predicted management would make a false claim".

The union wanted to talk with Kwon, who is also head of MBC's news reporting bureau, to protest the company's recruitment of new reporters - a move to produce news programs without the strikers. Union members planned to hold a meeting at an office of the reporting bureau earlier, but Kwon locked the door to the office.

"For the 20 minutes during which we surrounded the car and demanded he explain the recruitment and locking us out of the office, Kwon kept calling or sending text messages on his cell phone, crossing his legs. He never showed any sign of injury, such as rubbing his back". The union said, Kwon should resign for acting out a "self-injury show".

It added the comment about Kwon on Thursday's news was a cooked-up story aimed at disgracing the union. "The management, especially President Kim, used the news program for personal purposes to make false reports. They are not qualified to broadcast in the public interest. They should leave MBC", a union member said.

MBC노사, 권재홍 앵커 부상 둘러싼 진실공방

파업중인 MBC의 노조가 권재홍 앵커의 부상을 둘러싸고 경영진과 새로운 분쟁에 들어갔다. 회사측은 권앵커가 수요일 밤 노조원들과의 충돌로 다쳤다고 주장하는 반면, 노조측은 거짓말이라며 권앵커의 퇴진을 요구하고 나섰다.

노조가 편파보도를 문제삼아 김재철 사장의 퇴진을 요구하며 파업에 들어간지 3달이 넘게 지난 시점에서 새로운 문제가 불거진 것이다.

목요일 9시뉴스에서, 평소 진행하던 권앵커 대신 정연국 앵커가 등장, 오프닝 멘트를 통해 권앵커가 노조와의 충돌로 방송을 잠정 중단하게 되었다고 말했다.

배현진 아나운서는 "어젯밤 10시 20분쯤 권앵커가 퇴근하려는 순간 파업중인 노조원들로부터 저지를 받았다. 허리 등에 충격을 받았고, 노조원들이 차를 둘러싸 20여분간 옴짝달싹 하지 못하는 상황을 겪어야 했다"고 말했다.

그러나 노조는 이에 반박하며 "권앵커는 40여명의 청원경찰에 둘러싸여 노조원들과 아무런 신체적 접촉 없이 자신의 차에 탑승했다"고 주장했다.

노조는 금요일 기자회견을 열어 당시의 상황이 담긴 동영상을 공개하며 "사측이 또 거짓말 할 것에 대비해 권앵커의 퇴근, 우리의 요구 전달 등을 기록하려 했다"고 말했다.

노조는 사건이 일어났던 날, 회사가 파업중인 기자들을 대신할 경력 기자를 뽑자 이에 항의하려 보도본부장인 권앵커와 면담을 요청했다. 노조원들은 이날 앞서 보도국에서 회의를 열려 했으나 권앵커가 보도국으로 난 출입문을 봉쇄하도록 했다.

노조는 "자해쇼"를 벌인 권앵커는 사퇴하라며 "우리가 차를 둘러싸고 경력기자 채용 등에 대해 면담을 요구하던 20분동안 권앵커는 다리를 꼬고 핸드폰으로 계속해서 통화를 하거나 문자를 보냈다. 그 과정에서 한번도 허리를 만지는 등의 부상당한 모습을 보이지 않았다"라고 주장했다.
