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Kim Myung-min i cannot but totally agree that he is indeed one of the best actors all over the world. he is so good in his crafts. he really acts well and its very natural of him to do different scenes everytime. it only shows that he is very professional. i would love 2009-08-10 15:53:50
Kim Joo-hyuk he is actually one of the best actors i have seen. very versatile and very professional. i love all his movies and dramas specially terroir. he has this mysterious aura that you would like to unravel. i dont know, maybe its just me... anyway, i love this 2009-08-10 15:49:27
Love Me Not i love this movie. some people may not agree but i think the plot was ok. i really admire kim joo hyeok. i practically like tragic endings because it is always closer to reality. ^^ 2009-08-10 15:44:55