RicarmeLa (135) | <>
weLL, First, I am an Unaffected Plain Clear (eminent) pErson. I'm a friendLy aNd apProachabLe bEing. But I aLso haVe mY wEakNesSes, I'm afraid oF "insects", especiaLLy you i mean cockroach. I haTe them, especiaLLy the oNe who fLies at the DARK. I'am aLs0 afraid oF being aLone. I don't wanna be a Lones0me nor LonEr pers0n, but I guess I am just bLessed, c0z' many pe0pLe Loves me and care f0r me. I can say that I am the type of pers0n, wh0 c0vers em0ti0n fr0m the 0ccUrreNt nor reaLity rather. Coz' I don't know h0w t0 indicate my senSibiLity, but I am the kind 0f pers0n y0u can Lean 0n in times 0f obstacles. But y0u kn0w what, even me,,, I'm w0ndering whY I d0n't kn0w h0w to get MAD, and n0w, i kn0w what is the anSwer. Because all I just d0 is t0 f0rgive and t0 f0rget, but if the speculation was to0 HaLf-witted, I don't think that I can easiLy "f0rgive and f0rget", but I'm really a nice pers0n..
Last time on HanCinema
2010/11/27 13:59:53
Member since
2010/10/15 11:45:47