New Movie 'Castaway on the Moon'

Get your handkerchiefs ready.
A new film sends us a message of hope through the story of two lonely hearts.
Mr. Kim is castaway on a deserted island and ends up meeting Ms. Kim, a recluse from society.
"Castaway on the Moon".
Mr. Kim takes the brunt of the economic recession and decides to take his own life.
But even that doesn't work out the way he planned and he finds himself on Bamseom island.
At first he tries to escape.
But his calls for help are ignored.
Soon enough he adapts to his new life, returning to the arms of nature.
And he even realizes his dreams of owning a new home.
To be castaway in the middle of a big city.
This almost absurd idea gathered a lot of attention from the beginning of production.

[Interview : Lee Hae-joon Director of "Castaway on the Moon" ] "I found it very entertaining that an uninhabited island exists in the middle of a giant metropolis. So what kind of film could you make in such a space[Interview : Kang Yun-sil, Movie audience] "A heart-warming movie. It was as touching as much as it was fun".

Director Lee Hae-joon shows us that the small things in life we might have ignored can turn into great hope in desperate situations.
As we can see through these two people who had withdrawn from society, the focus is on the will to communicate, rather than the communication itself.
And this is "Castaway on the Moon", a story of hope to be found at the end of a long tunnel of despair in today's harsh reality.
