Once Picture Seeking Compentsation

The Seoul Southern District Court held a hearing regarding damages caused by Bae Suzy, the country, and the person who made a petition in the Blue House against Once Picture.


Once Picture claimed that the reputation of the studio had been tainted and sued the person who made a petition against the studio, Bae Suzy, and the government.

Bae Suzy's legal representative had announced that more announcements will be made after talking to the actress herself. Bae Suzy was at the hearing and her lawyer said this was not a matter of monetary compensation.

The matter turned worse when word spread that Bae Suzy had agreed to the petition on SNS and media.

Handling the situation with money would mean limiting the freedom of expression for celebrities. As public figures, they should take responsibility for their word and actions, but Bae Suzy and Yang Ye-won are in their 20s. They only expressed that they agree with each other, but they are being hunted down just because they're celebrities.

Yang Ye-won posted on her SNS in May that she was a victim of rape and claimed she was sexually harassed and naked pictures of her were taken by some men in a studio where she signed up for a fitting model job in 2015. One of the accused was caught and put through investigations.

Two people left a petition in the Blue House titled, "Hong Dae Once Pictures Illegal Nude Shoot". They showed support for Yang Ye-won and Bae Suzy also expressed her support, introducing the petition on her SNS. After her post, the number of supporters for the petition went up 7,000 from 10,000.

However, Once Pictures turned out it had nothing to do with the Yang Ye-won case and sued Bae Suzy, the petition writers and the government for defamation.