Online Seoul map offers tour, culture information

By Kim Rahn

Seoul City Tuesday added information about 22 walking tour courses and other cultural programs to its GIS portal (, a map website highlighting the locations of major recreational facilities.

The service is part of the city government's efforts to facilitate the tourist experience for the growing number of foreign visitors to the capital.

For cultural excursions, the website offers not only the location of temples and institutes providing Templestays or traditional programs, but also detailed background information on the places. The Institute of Korean Royal Cuisine, Samcheonggak, Yejiwon and four temples are featured.

Also included are 11 walking tour trails to help tourists form itineraries easily by getting information on Seoul's historic sites and hot spots directly from the website. Palaces from the Joseon Kingdom, royal tombs, hanok villages and fortifications are highlights of the routes. Information is available on the website in English, Chinese and Japanese.
