[Orion's Daily Ramblings] More Man-Beauty From "Bad Guys : Vile City"

We have more stills of precious manly goodness this week and a little bit more information on the premise of the series. Writer Han Jeong-hoon has mentioned that a key difference between the first series and "Bad Guys : Vile City" is that, while the former was about bad guys trying to reduce their sentence, the new series is about them uniting against a specific organization. The production aims to be a realistic, but exciting depiction of criminals delivering justice against other criminals.


Stills of leading man Park Joong-hoon were also released earlier this week. His character is a prosecutor who wants to get things done regardless of the legality of his means. He has picked the right type of team for it, that's for sure. The actor has not worked on a drama in 23 years and so I have to assume that a great figure of cinema like him choosing "Bad Guys : Vile City" must mean it's a compelling piece, at least on paper.

OCN has been good with its productions and I see a lot of potential in its shows with each passing year, so perhaps the dreaded not-a-sequel of "Bad Guys" will be a worthy piece to carry the name forward. At the very least we get solid acting, fighting thrills and handsomeness, so I suppose we don't lose either way.

Stills 3Stills 2

Stills 1

Written by: Orion from 'Orion's Ramblings'

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