Park Yoo-chun found not guilty

Hallyu star Park Yoo-chun has been found not guilty after being sued for rape on four counts. The case that brought a heavy blow for the past four months or so is going to settle down soon.


The police who have been investigating this case are going to rule Park not guilty and forward the case to the prosecutors. The result was based on the fact that there was no way to prove there was 'force' involved.

They didn't find any signs of abuse or forcibleness related to the first accuser. Park's DNA was found on the underwear that she submitted to the police as evidence, but it wasn't enough to prove rape. Gangnam Police say Park will be ruled not guilty.

The other 3 rape charges will be hard to prove as well as they happened in the time period of June 2014 and February and December in 2015. It's been a long time since then and no evidence.

The police are going to come to a decision about the counterattack Park made on the first accuser. They have secured text messages between them for the sum of 100 million won. They have yet to find out if Park was threatened to give her the money or if the accuser cancelled her charges on him because of the money.

Police say the accuser denied having received any money. Also, it was Park's mother who prepared the money and they're looking into bank transfers.