[Photos] New Photos Added for the Upcoming Korean Drama "A DeadbEAT's Meal"

New photos added for the upcoming Korean drama "A DeadbEAT's Meal" (2021).

Directed by Kim Joon-mo

Written by Jeon Seon-yeong

Network: NAVER tvcast, TVING, YouTube

With Ha Seok-jin, Go Won-hee, Lim Hyun-ju, Ko Woojin, Lee Sang-jin,...

2021/12/10 on TVING
2021/12/17 on Naver TV
2021/12/24 on YouTube
Adapted from a webtoon.
The growth story of Jae-ho who graduated from the Korean literature department and is in his second year of preparing for a job after a long period of public service. As he heals from the pain of continuous job failures and parting, he used food as a medium to provide him warm comfort, sympathy, and delicious mukbang satisfaction.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2021/12/10


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