Ryu Si-won and wife end quarrel

 Actor Ryu Si-won and his wife's never ending battle is finally over. None of them appealed to Jo's sentence of a fine and the case is now over.

Ryu Si-won and Jo started the case in 2012 when they applied for divorce. Jo sued Ryu Si-won for aggression, blackmailing and illegal tracking. Ryu Si-won sued her for perjury.

They got married in October of 2010. They conceived a daughter in the following year but their marriage didn't last long. Jo filed for divorce and their relationship went haywire.

The domestic court suggested mediation but their differences on child custody, alimony and division of possessions were too great. They couldn't come to an agreement and took it to court.

In May 2013, Jo sued Ryoo for abuse. The case went on under privacy but criminal suit was opened to the public and their embarrassing situation was revealed to the public.

Ryoo gave in to the illegal tracking but argued about the abuse. He said, "I don't want to be a bad father to my child and there was no assault involved. She told me she was going to the market and got surgery done on her private area". He claimed she was having an affair but the court fined him.

The case went over to the Supreme Court but the results were the same. He asked for a judicial review about installing tracking devices but was dismissed.

Jo was sued by Ryoo as well. He brought her statement to the open. The court acknowledged her perjury issues and fined her as well.

They were both fined in the criminal case but the divorce took Jo's side. The domestic court ruled on the 21st last month, "Ryu Si-won should pay alimony of 30 million won and possessions worth 300 million won to Jo". Child custody went over to the wife and Ryoo was left with child support expense and visitation rights to his daughter Ryoo didn't appeal to this and the case was finally over.

Of course, Jo could appeal about her perjury but will she continue this fight? In the end, all they did was hurt each other throughout this case.

The case must've been a big hit on Ryoo and Jo. It's unsure whether will be making a comeback to showbiz at all.

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