[Spoiler] 'Glamorous Temptation' Choi Kang-hee survives dangerous situation thanks to Jung Jin-young

On the 14th episode of MBC's "Glamorous Temptation", Shin Eun-soo (Choi Kang-hee) went to a construction site to meet the unknown man who had called her.


As the man sent Eun-soo her daughter's photo and threatened her, she could not but go to the site to meet the man. When Eun-soo arrived there, she was surrounded by several men shortly and a bunch of the reinforcing rods on the construction site was moved over her head. She was terrified.

At the moment, Kang Seok-hyeon (Jung Jin-young)'s secretary appeared and saved her. Seok-hyeon took her to the hospital. When Eun-soo woke up, he told her not to trust anyone that easily.

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