[Spoiler] "Imaginary Cat" Cho Hye-jung cries in Yoo Seung-ho's arms

Yoo Seung-ho embraced Cho Hye-jung.


Cable TV MBC Every 1 drama "Imaginary Cat" Oh Na-woo (Cho Hye-jung) questioned the death of a street cat in her neighborhood.

She was arguing with the neighboring man who used to take care of the street cat together. She asked if he killed it and he said, "It's nothing but a street cat". Oh Na-woo called him a murderer, then cried in sorrow.

Hyeon Jong-hyeon (Yoo Seung-ho) comforted her and she cried in his arms.

"Imaginary Cat" is based on a web-toon about humans and cats who comfort each other.