[Spoiler] "Love Alert" Yoon Eun-hye and Kang Seo-yeon at Odds in White Gowns

MBN "Love Alert" unravels the story of star doctor Cha Woo-hyeon (Chun Jung-myung) and top star Yoon Yoo-jeong (Yoon Eun-hye) and the things that get between them. Kanghan Group's Kang Hye-joo (Kang Seo-yeon) is one of them and she shows a great obsession over Cha Woo-hyeon.


Yoon Yoo-jeong is wearing an elegant dress and it arouses curiousness on whether or not the Woo-Yoo couple is getting married.

However, Kang Hye-joo appears in a dress too and breaks the peace.

Kang Hye-joo provokes Yoon Yoo-jeong by telling her Cha Woo-hyeon picked out her dress for her.