[Spoiler] "Master's Sun" Kim Yoo-ri falls for Seo In-guk

On the fifth episode of the SBS drama "Master's Sun", Tae I-ryeong (Kim Yoo-ri) found out that Tae Gong-sil (Kong Hyo-jin) was the one responsible for her wedding and went through her mail at her dormitory.


Kang Woo (Seo In-guk) saw what she was doing and twisted her arm and pushed her to the wall, not knowing she was Tae I-ryeong. She yelled in pain and pushed him. He saw who she was and sneered, "You again".

He handed her a bag of ice and said, "You're lucky I finished my ad today otherwise I would've called the police. However, he then looked at the scar he made and took care of it.

Tae I-ryeong stopped breathing as they got close and looked at him. Her heart thumped and pushed him again, saying things she didn't mean to.