[Spoiler] "Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho 2: Crime and Punishment" Go Hyun-jung Is a Terrifying Goddess of Revenge

On the latest episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho 2: Crime and Punishment", the dark past of Lee Ja-kyeong (Go Hyun-jung) flashed back. Ja-kyeong was on the streets with her sister, but a neighborhood policeman handed them to a dark organization instead of to the authorities.


The orphanage was actually an organization that sold children's innards on the black market.

Ja-kyeong was helpless as a child and she had to listen to and watch all of the horror. She witnessed her sister get disemboweled.

After the flashback, Ja-kyeong kidnapped the doctor who operated on her sister. She put him in an operating room and told him to pay his dues. He later appeared dead.

Ja-kyeong is a character who achieves tremendous revenge on the people who hurt her in her youth. Her cruelty creates an aura of panic and is responsible for most of the plot tension.