[Spoiler] [Raine's Recaps] Fashion King: Episode 5 Recap

by: Raine

Episode 4 eeked .2% higher to 9.6%. It's still beating "Love Rain", which I have yet to watch.


This episode was sooooo much better in terms of plot. After four episodes of some serious wandering, it's starting to settle in. And I can't decide who I'm shippin'.

"Fashion King" features Yoo Ah-in, Shin Se-kyung and Lee Je-hoon.

episode 5 recap

After Young-gul leaves Ga-young to the malicious, violent mob and becomes the number entry on my hit list, his conscience threatens him with torture and death. So Young-gul hurries back to Young Girl, but he is too late. Only her luggage is left. The mob ate her.

Young-gul is finally learning to fight for something, but too bad Ga-young had to pay the price for it.

At Jo Boutique, Madam Jo the Dragon Lady reminds Miss Go about the magazine interview and then is greeted by the ghost of Ga-young's past - a rather bloody ghost. Well, not really a ghost. But by Dragon Lady's expression you would think she was.

Madam Jo stupidly asks if Ga-young was beat-up. Why yes. Yes, she was. How about offering some first aid? No, that's too much. Dragon Lady has to blame Ga-young's failures at the New York Fashion School (NSF) all on our poor heroine. As if you had nothing to do with it DRAGON LADY!

But our heroine is quite ballsy. She asks to stay at the Boutique as she once had - that or, if Madam Jo hates her that much, for some money. Ga-young tells Madam Jo that she knows why she has to stoop this low, but the Dragon claims ignorance.

Can I beat her with an angry mob and claim ignorance?

When Ga-young realizes she's getting no money out of her heartless former guardian, she decides to stay despite the Dragon's threats to call the police. Oh, that will be wonderful to report during the magazine interview tomorrow, Ga-young retaliates.

YES! Point Ga-young. Fire pit for the Dragon.

Ga-young heads up to her old room and throws together a make-shift bed. Gathering a comforter around her, she finally has a chance to look Into The Mirror. The face that stares back at her is pathetic: covered in blood, tired eyes, and dirt-covered cheeks. Tears cut small rivulets in the grime on her face as she cries out her misery.

Aw, she needs a hug. I'll give you a hug and we shall plot revenge on Dragon Lady together.

Now we get to find out a bit more about Young-gul. He's at his aunt's house and she's nagging him about never contributing to the household and yet he comes to leech off her. She jabbers on how about he is embarrassing for quitting school and pursuing fashion. That's why his mother left - he should've gone to find her when he was in America. Young-gul is immediately on the defensive.

"You let my sister die because you never took her to the hospital!" He cries.

His aunt is furious. His family imposed on her and it was all she could do to survive, much less take care of someone else's sick kid. And what did Young-gul do? He went off to make money and never came back. If he was worried for his sister, he should've come back earlier. Young-gul, hurt, slaps an envelope of money down and leaves.

Outside, he hears his little sister call "oppa". He turns and sees a vision of his sick sibling calling to him, telling him to make money and come back. Young-gul looks an absolute wreck.

Young-gul puts himself together and goes to meet the friend he sold Ga-young's designs to in the first episode. He shall known be known as Glasses. Oh yeah, Young-gul also steals his lunch. Haha.

Glasses informs him that the loan sharks are searching for him but Young-gul is more concerned with the fact that Glasses watched his female employee get beat up and didn't do anything about it.

Glasses replies as we all want to: Well, you didn't either, you jerk!

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