[Spoiler] "Ruler: Master of the Mask" Yoo Seung-ho and Kim So-hyun

"Ruler: Master of the Mask" Yoo Seung-ho and Kim So-hyun realized their love for each other.


The Prince (Yoo Seung-ho) revealed his identity to Han Ga-eun (Kim So-hyun).

The prince roamed around Ga-eun pretending to be a peddler. Ga-eun thought she knew him (Cheon-soo) but he pretended not to know her so she couldn't make sure. It was sad to see the prince not being able to appear in front of Ga-eun. Woo-bo (Park Chul-min) asked him what he was going to do with Ga-eun and if he was going to let her go. The Prince said, "I have no right to hold onto her". He blamed himself for her father's death. Cheong-woon (Sin Hyeon-soo) who pitied the Prince, reminded him that the Pyeonsoo took away everyone's precious someone. He added, "Are you going to lose Ga-eun too because of them? Are you going to blame them after losing everything?" The Prince said, "I can't lose her. Not her. I can't live without her".

The Queen (Kim Sun-kyung) asked Ga-eun to be a palace made and she missed Cheon-soo even more. She was looking at a painting by Ggomool (Go Na-hee) and was sure the peddler was Cheon-soo. She asked the Prince right away but he passed out due to an attack by the Pyeonsoo.

Ga-eun started crying when she saw the necklace he was wearing which was a sign of their love from the past. When the Prince came to, he said, "Don't cry Ga-eun. I am sorry I ignored you. Staying away from you was my method of protecting you. I have never forgotten about you". They embraced each other but Ga-eun remembered what the Queen said and looked anxious in the Prince's arms.