"Squid Game" and Responsible Gambling Parallels

You all have heard of "Squid Game". It is a TV show created in South Korea in which participants must play a life or death game in order to win a 45 billion prize (the prize value is in Korean Won). The show is thrilling and very interesting. It is also very popular due to the fact it has over 140 million views on Netflix. The real question is what we can deduce from the show and match or pair with responsible gambling? There are a few things we can learn here.

The Risk Can Be Too High

All gamblers love the risk because it gives them the adrenaline rush which is so impressive and so amazing that most people want to get this all the time. Some are driving fast cars, others jump from an airplane, and others gamble. Well, the show teaches us that the risk is not always good and in some cases, it can be very bad. The best example is visible if we take a look at Seong Gi-Hun. He is the main character of the game and he is in massive debt. He ended up in debt by placing bets on horse racing. He lost and now he must return the money.

You can imagine yourself in the same position. You have a massive debt to pay back but you don't have any money. The TV show teaches us that people are willing to do anything they can in order to get help or make money. If you play responsibly, you will never end up in this situation which is something you should and need to desire.

Risks are always present in life, and there is no way to avoid them completely. But you can manage them and try to minimize them as much as possible, especially when it comes to gambling. Always seek out opportunities that offer the lowest risk when engaging in games, actions, or steps. Whether you're playing at international casino providers or local establishments, making informed choices and evaluating the potential risks can significantly enhance your overall gambling experience.

You Need The Control

One of the main things a gambler must have is control. He must be strong enough and obviously in control to tell himself to stop gambling. Basically, he must be able to do what he wants when he wants period. The show here can teach us that when we lose control, bad things happen. Just imagine all the things that would happen to the main characters in the game. They are not in control and they are in a bad place. You will end up in a bad place if you lose control while gambling.

There are a lot of things you cannot change while playing games. You cannot affect your luck. But you still have to be in control. You must control the situation and you must get the best out of it.

"Squid Game" is just one of many and probably too extreme examples of what happens when you lose control and you continue playing casino games. The best thing you can do is not to allow yourself to close the control and you won't end up in a bad place.

Responsibility Link

The main reason for investing in responsible gambling is to stay safe and to stay outside of a problem at any given moment. For this, responsibility is mandatory. Well, the TV show we have here teaches us that responsibility is important and it is something we all need and must keep in mind at any given moment.

This reason alone is a bit hard to explain. It is a byproduct and a combination of all the reasons above and not a separate one. You need to know that the TV show can help you develop your responsibility more. In simple terms, you can see all the bad things that can happen when you are not responsible.

When you gamble online or in the real world you will want to do one thing. Always play with the money you can afford to lose. This is the pure goal of responsible gambling and the main thing expert players have been using for decades. It works well and it is one of the main tricks and tips you can read right now.

Keep in mind that all online casinos will promote and share additional and complete data about responsible gambling on the website. Typically, you can find this in the footer section of the website and you will have detailed instructions, tips, and also helpful partners you can call and get professional help.

The Final Word

The "Squid Game"'s immense popularity has a solid foundation, and it's more than just its captivating storyline. For gamblers, the show's impact goes beyond entertainment-it offers valuable insights that can be applied to their own gambling experiences. Reflecting on the depiction of independent operators in Korean culture and films like "Squid Game", you'll notice themes of risk, strategy, and decision-making that mirror real-life gambling scenarios.

As you engage with the show, consider how these parallels can inform your approach to gambling responsibly. Ultimately, the aim remains consistent: to enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment while maintaining responsible habits. Take a moment to revisit this message and delve into the show; you'll soon realize that these connections hold meaning, guiding you toward a balanced and thoughtful approach to your online gambling activities.


"Squid Game" is directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk, written by Hwang Dong-hyuk, and features Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, Jung Ho-yeon, Oh Young-soo, Kim Joo-ryoung, Wi Ha-jun. Broadcasting information in Korea: 2021/09/17, Fri on Netflix.


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