[Videos] First Trailers Released for the Upcoming Korean Drama "Crime Puzzle"

First trailers released for the upcoming Korean drama "Crime Puzzle".

Trailer 1 (15s)

"Crime Puzzle" (2021)

Directed by Kim Sang-hoon-I

Written by Choi Jong-gil

Network: Olleh TV, Seezn

With Yoon Kye-sang, Go Ah-sung, Yoon Kyung-ho, Song Seon-mi, Kwon Soo-hyun, Woo Hyun,...

"Crime Puzzle" is a story where a criminal psychologist is sent to prison for murdering a political candidate, and the criminal profiler who loses his father to the murder is conducting interviews with the murderer for a case that occurs within the prison.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2021/10/29

Trailer 1 (30s)

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