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10 message(s)
Page Message Date
Cha Hwa-yeon You are so pretty and attractive lady.Your actions are so good. Your smile is so sweet.Have a bed of roses!!!!사 랑 해 2011-05-29 03:05:44
Lee Da-hae All many happy returns of the day!!!!!생 일 축 하 합 니 다 언 니:D 2011-04-18 19:42:01
Oh Mi-hee All many happy returns of the day!!!!!생 일 축 하 합 니 다!!!!! 2011-04-09 20:55:39
Han Hye-sook I love your body structure and your smile.I am17 female and i love watching your excellent series and movies.I love you so much since you have performed in lotus flower fairy,jewel family,dear heaven.I hope you will be more healthy and wealthy in your lif 2011-04-05 00:09:11
Kim Hee-sun 생 일 축 하 합 니 다!!!!언 니 사 랑 해!!!! 2011-02-25 06:02:59
Kim Kyu-jong All many happy returns of the day!!!!!생 일 축 하 합 니 다!!!!! 2011-02-24 07:31:35
Ryu Tae-joon Happy birthday!I love your series especially Green Coach.You are so handsome.All many happy returns of the day!Have a bed of roses! 2010-12-07 04:20:37
Reversal of Fate I love Oh Mi Hee known as Kang Bo Young in her chracter.She is so pretty and attractive every in her series and movies. 2010-11-24 23:43:34
Oh Mi-hee All many happy returns of the day!You are very beautiful in Assorted Gems. 2010-11-22 22:57:37
Jung Ae-ri Be happy in your life! 2010-10-18 21:09:16