[Photos] New Behind the Scenes Images Added for the Korean Drama "Song of the Bandits"

New behind the scenes images added for the Korean drama "Song of the Bandits" (2023).

Directed by Hwang Joon-hyeok, Park Hyeon-seok

Written by Han Jeong-hoon

Network: Netflix

With Kim Nam-gil, Seohyun, Yoo Jae-myung, Lee Hyun-wook-I, Lee Ho-jung, Kim Do-yoon-I,...

9 episodes - Fri
Filming dates: 2022/03/16~2023/02/02
An action adventure set in the tumultuous period of Japanese colonial rule over Korea about a group of people who, for various reasons, end up in the lawless land of Gando and become united in protecting Joseon for the Korean people. Anticipation runs high for the intense drama that will unfold as different groups with their respective motives - including Japanese troops, the Korean Independence Army, hitmen, bandits, and Joseon migrants - face one another in the anarchic land of Gando during the 1920s. Writer Han Jeong-hoon and director Hwang Joon-hyeok team up again for "Song of the Bandits" after having delivered spectacular, exhilarating action and drama with their previous projects, including "Bad Guys : Vile City" and "Squad 38".

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2023/09/22

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