Lee Kang-wook's "Connection" on the 24th

Actor Lee Kang-wook meets viewers through "Connection".


Lee Kang-wook's agency, FN Entertainment, said on the 14th, "Lee Kang-wook will show a new acting transformation through SBS' new Friday-Saturday drama "Connection"".

"Connection" is an addiction-tracking suspense drama in which an ace detective, a drug team forced to be addicted to drugs by someone, reveals the whole story of the connection, a deteriorated friendship that lasted for 20 years based on the death of a friend.

Earlier, news of actors Ji Sung, Jeon Mi-do, Kwon Yul, and Kim Kyung-nam were reported. Lee Kang-wook will play the role of Jeong Yoon-ho. Jeong Yoon-ho is a member of Inner Circle led by Kim Kyung-nam (Won Jong-soo), and runs a private taxi after marrying his high school classmate. He has a sense of inferiority because he is not better at fighting and learning than others, nor is he from a family with financial resources, and he voluntarily helps his friends out because he has a unique sense of humor and greed. Lee Kang-wook breaks down into Jeong Yoon-ho and works with people around him.

Lee Kang-wook is drawing attention for his endless moves. He goes back and forth between dramas and movies, musicals and theatrical stages, building up a variety of penmanship while encompassing various genres and characters. Recently, he appeared as prosecutor Choi Won-seon, Kim You-jung's counterpart, in the drama "My Demon", and made people laugh by making lame jokes. Attention is focused on how he will perform in "Connection". It will air for the first time on Saturday.