[Photo] New Still Added for the Upcoming Korean Documentary "Kim Dae-jung on the Road"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean documentary "Kim Dae-jung on the Road" (2023)


Directed by Min Hwan-ki

A young businessman from Mokpo stands in a turbulent history together with the people!

Mokpo's greatest young businessman, Kim Dae-jung. What caught his eye as he walked along the smooth road were the innocent people who had been sacrificed by ideological politics. In order to create a world where people's politics and democracy take root, Kim Dae-jung decides to become a politician. Leaving behind a guaranteed future and taking his first steps on a path of twists and turns, the price of his choice shook him: kidnapping, death threats, imprisonment, and a death sentence. However, even at the last moment of being sentenced to death, Kim Dae-jung cried out without any wavering. "Democracy will be restored. I absolutely believe that".

The life of President Kim Dae-jung, a death row inmate who faced death five times and an 'expert in failed elections' who was defeated in four National Assembly elections and three presidential elections, is engraved in the modern history of the Republic of Korea.

Release date in Korea : 2023/01