[Photos] Added new poster and images for the Korean drama 'El Condor Pasa'

Added new poster and images for the upcoming Korean drama "El Condor Pasa" (2013)

Directed by Jeon Soo-il

Written by Jeon Soo-il

With Cho Jae-hyun, Bae Jung-hwa, Yoo Yeon-mi, Yoo Soon-chul,...

A human drama full of passion and self-examination, revolving around a priest who is put through mental and physical ordeals when he is mixed up in a girl's death. For those who are used to the director's previous works, it might be surprising how many times a twist comes along. The director isn't careless with the story telling while focusing on portraying the inner sides of the characters. The series of things that happen after the girl's death with the sister and priest are realistic and spiritual. Their physical combination is different from those of other movies. Cho Jae-hyun and Bae Jung-hwa don't hesitate to expose themselves. The last scene should linger in everyone's heads...

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2013/05/30


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