[Spoiler] Added episode 15 captures for the Korean drama 'The Night Watchman's Journal'

Added episode 15 captures for the Korean drama "The Night Watchman's Journal" (2014)


Directed by Lee Joo-hwan, Yoon Ji-hoon

Written by Bang Ji-yeong, Kim Seon-hee, Yoo Dong-yoon

Network : MBC

With Jung Il-woo, Ko Sung-hee, U-Know, Seo Yea-ji, Yoon Tae-young, Kim Heung-soo,...

Mon, Tue 22:00
Based in the Joseon Times, this is a drama about the crime prevention squad that used to patrol the streets from 9 to 5 at night to catch ghosts.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2014/08/04
