[Video] Teaser Released for the Upcoming Korean Drama "One Dollar Lawyer"

Teaser released for the upcoming Korean drama "One Dollar Lawyer".

Animation Teaser

"One Dollar Lawyer" (2022)

Directed by Kim Jae-hyun-IV, Shin Jong-hoon-I

Written by Choi Chang-hwan, Choi Soo-jin

Network: SBS

With Namkoong Min, Kim Ji-eun, Choi Dae-hoon, Park Jin-woo-II, Gong Min-jung, Jo Yeon-hee,...

16 episodes - Fri 22:30/Sat 22:10
Cheon Ji-hoon, a lawyer whose commission fee is only 1,000 won, is the most reliable defense activity for his clients!

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2022/09/23

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